Investigation underway for ransomware attack at Pulaski County Public Schools

Parker Bytes November 9, 2023

How about a recent natter I had with a friend about a rum incident that took place in Pulaski County? I say, you’d scarcely believe it, but the entire school system was the victim of a rather insidious cyber attack.

Walking down the lane, he shared with me. “Sunday was a scorcher, it was, and I found myself at home with nothing to do but poke about on the computer. That’s when I discovered it.”

And, what did he discover, you ask? Well, strange goings-on with his systems! Fearing the worst, he immediately got in touch with some outside experts to find out what was going wrong. Turns out, it was a case of ransomware – dastardly stuff, I assure you!

Of course, he wasn’t to be beaten that easily. “The lads and I are working non-stop to get things back on track,” he told me with grim determination. “We have some of the best blokes in cybersecurity giving us a hand too. And you wouldn’t believe it, but we’ve already made quite a bit of headway.”

And what about the school, you wonder? Well, it didn’t stop for a second. Right as scheduled, the doors were opened the very next day. The safety of the little ones, after all, was of the utmost importance. “All the systems that keep our schools secure are up and running just fine,” he assured me. “The teaching’s going on just as it always has, with hardly any disruption.”

But it wasn’t all business as usual. “Remember that tutoring program we were launching? Well, we’re having to push it back by a week, thanks to all this disruption.”

While he couldn’t give me all the facts just at that moment, I knew he held the safety of the school community very close to heart. “We’re addressing this right fast, bringing in people who know what they’re doing — lawyers, tech experts, and even some cybersecurity professionals,” he said, a note of confidence in his voice.

And that, my friends, is a story in resilience! Battling myriad challenges, coming together as a community, and weathering the storm – Pulaski County certainly knows how to turn the tide. It was heartening to hear of their swift actions and unwavering commitment to their pupils’ safety – a true testament to their strength of spirit.

“I do appreciate your understanding,” he finished. “We’re all mucking in together to get this sorted.”

So there you have it, a rather peculiar tale of cyber mischief and the sheer resilience of the Pulaski County Public Schools community. I’ll keep you updated with the latest as it comes along, but for now, I daresay it’s time to raise a toast to their spirit, don’t you agree?

by Parker Bytes