Incidents of Attacks on OT and Industrial Organizations are Increasing

Morgan Phisher November 11, 2023

Hey there, Bay Area techies! We’re facing a pretty serious situation these days—cyberattacks are surging, especially those targeting crucial operational technology (OT), such as our power plants, manufacturing operations, and various industrial organizations. Can you believe that these cyberattacks had a swell of 87% last year? That’s quite alarming, isn’t it?

And you know what’s even more chilling? Only a small fraction of these attacks are straightforward OT compromises, like the ransomware attacks we saw against car maker Honda in 2020. The majority have multiple entry points—inside jobs, business networks linked to protected systems, and even breaches through the supply chain. Anything interconnected with the corporate network becomes a potential entryway for a cyber heist.

Now, we all know that the tech world is divided into legacy security and digital transformation. Ironically, this dichotomy leaves us wide open for hacking attempts that could potentially disrupt our OT systems right at their core with ransomware, malware, or simple data disruption.

So here’s the thing – if you think your traditional IT security measures will work on your OT systems, think again. OT security requires its nuances, its own measures, and its unique lingo. It can’t be covered with a blanket approach—the desire for layered security (or as we call it, “defense in depth”) and effectively deploying it across all systems are two very different beasts.

Look at it this way – if you’re tackling OT security, you have three hurdles to clear: (1) not shouting “wolf” with false positive alerts, (2) effective deployment across less-powerful systems and complex network structures, and (3) squashing those sneaky attacks that slide between business and OT systems – you know, the ones with all the nasty malware and trojans.

Here’s a word of advice: Don’t rely on your conventional solutions, like Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) or Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPPs). They just won’t cut it—they need constant virus signature updates, eat up valuable resources, and simply can’t adapt to the variety you generally find in an OT environment. Not to mention, they fail hard in spotting hidden and evasive attacks.

So, what’s the magic solution? It’s called Automated Moving Target Defense (AMTD), a sleek, lightweight technology specifically designed for OT environment protection. Imagine it as a ninja—it swoops in and confuses the hackers by constantly changing its disguise, creating a moving target. Plus, it sets up decoys to distract the attacks!

Sounds cool, right? Experiences from a wide variety of clientele have shown that this AMTD tech works exceptionally well in obstructing the worst threats that OT security teams face. We’re dealing with a fluid threat landscape—it’s ever-evolving, and it’s our responsibility to stay a step ahead. The times are changing, folks, and prevention is indeed the best medicine.

We may not have the flashy superheroes of Hollywood to save us, but there’s no denying that cybersecurity is our most essential layer of protection in a world that’s increasingly connected—and increasingly targeted. Let’s arm ourselves with knowledge and stay safe, Bay Area!

by Morgan Phisher | HEAL Security