Thanksgiving Day 2023

Parker Bytes November 23, 2023

Alright, my friend, pull up a chair, and let’s have a little chin-wag about some pressing matters. Normally, this would be the time where we’d say “Happy Thanksgiving,” and share what we’re thankful for this year. By the way, if you do have plans to meet up with your loved ones today, I hope you have a smashing time.

There’s no ignoring, though, that some folks are going through a tough time. There are those who have cherished ones caught in the distressing situation between Israel and Hamas. Quite a few families have been hit with troubling financial slips or health worries this year. And it appears that some are increasingly finding themselves in the crosshairs of hate speech and disagreeable groups.

Now let’s be clear on this – “We have met the enemy and he is us.” A bloke named Pogo said that. What he meant, in case you’re scratching your head, is that the real problem often lies not with external aggressors, but with us. It’s a bit like the old saying, “You are your own worst enemy.”

Recently, there has been a surge in anti-Semitic and anti-Palestinian sentiment, and it’s rather worrying. In years gone by, America was renowned the world over as a massive melting pot of people and cultures, a beacon for those chasing their dreams. Today, it seems that same spirit hides under the shadow of bigotry found even in college campuses across the country, which is a right shame.

Look at Trump: he tried to undermine democracy, a venture that no one thought plausible. But what do you know? It seems like we’re right in the middle of it! This might make you ponder – will we still have a democracy to be thankful for next year? Only if we roll up our sleeves and do our bit to defend it from hatemongers and those inciting violence.

Once again, Pogo hits it right – “We have met the enemy and he is us.” It’s high time we reflected on this statement. If we want real change, we first need to look within and untangle the knots of hate and prejudice that we might be harbouring.

Well, that’s enough from me for now. As ever, it’s been a pleasure having this chat. Let’s keep the dialogue going and, together, work towards building a more accepting, fair, and peaceful world, shall we?

by Parker Bytes