Video: Threat Analysis Stories – Identifying Exploitations of the Ivanti Vulnerability

Morgan Phisher June 17, 2024

Hey there, Bay Area cybersecurity and healthcare crowd! Time to sit back, grab a cup of joe, and let’s chat about the cyber-world hustle that’s been gaining some significant traction lately. Don’t worry, we’re keeping things laid-back and genuine, just the way we like it here in the Bay.

The story started back in early 2024, when a highly-regarded software company (let’s call them Company “I”) made some waves in the cyber-world. They disclosed not one, but two vulnerabilities in their system. Critical stuff. Tech junkies might know these better as CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887 (that’s a mouthful, isn’t it?), but for the less tech-inclined among us, think of these vulnerabilities as doors left wide open for cyber baddies to march right in and take control.

Sounds intense, right? Well, brace yourself because things are about to get much more interesting.

Remember when you were a kid and played that game of cops and robbers, or maybe cowboys and outlaws? In our scenario, imagine our bad guys being like those crafty outlaws. They could exploit these glitches to run commands on the targeted gateway. Stick with me. I promise it’s not as complicated as it sounds. You could simplify this by saying hackers could basically take control of the server via these vulnerabilities. Not cool, right?

Here’s the good news. We have heroes in our story too. Enter “the cops” or the knights in shining armor ready to save the day – a cybersecurity stand-out we’ll call Company “D”. This bunch, with their potent mix of AI and cybersecurity knowledge, could be the brains behind our massive shield. What their system does is akin to observing all those affected devices like a cyber-detective. They spot any weird, unusual activities that the cyber baddies might be up to.

Sound like science fiction? Nope, it’s just good old technology at its best. By understanding your organization’s unique cybersecurity needs, Company “D” can detect those cyber baddies from exploiting the two vulnerabilities we spoke about earlier and put a stop to it.

Now, what sort of activities are we speaking about that might rank as suspicious? Well, there are a few tell-tale signs simply screaming “red alert!”. These could be attempts at command-and-control communication maneuvers, network scanning, data exfiltration, or downloading suspicious files, all done with the intent to compromise your system.

Think of Company “D” as this super-smart watchdog, constantly looking out for your organization.

So there you have it, folks. Our world may be becoming more digital by the second, but remember, we’ve got our amazing cybersecurity knights bracing the forefront, keeping our citadel safe. Although it can seem like a cloak-and-dagger world out there in cyber-land, we’re all in this together, fighting off those cyber outlaws.

So, stay safe, stay aware, and remember, there are friends in this tale, ready to keep our tech-world secure. With ever-evolving technology and clever minds in our corner, our healthcare and cybersecurity journey is in trustworthy hands. Keep loving the Bay and the innovations it brings. Until our next chat, Bay Area peeps!

by Morgan Phisher | HEAL Security