Compliance with Data Protection in the Face of Ransomware
Hey there, Bay Area folks! Let’s talk cybersecurity, shall we? Has anyone felt the ground tremble under the weight of recent cyber threats? You might have noticed frequent mention of the bogeyman of the cybersecurity world: ransomware. In the past year, we’ve seen an unsettling rise in the frequency and severity of ransomware attacks. If you find yourself asking, “What’s ransomware?” Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
So, at its core, ransomware is malware, a nasty piece of software that slithers its way into a computer system to hold all the data hostage, using encryption. Imagine someone sneaking into your house, locking all your belongings in a safe, and then demanding ransom for the key. That’s ransomware.
Now, this wouldn’t be much of a conversation if we only swapped horror tales and didn’t share solutions. So, let’s delve into some strategies on how to tackle this pesky cyber threat.
Let’s start things off with something all schools repeatedly drum into us – rules are important! Yes, a solid, well-communicated set of security policies provide direction and set appropriate levels of security. This includes asset identification, figuring out and documenting the personal data we process and the assets that handle it.
We also need to figure out the types of controls we need in place to protect said data. Technical controls, access controls, being able to spot a cyber-attack and having the recovery process mapped out in response to these attacks are crucial.
Not to sound like an overbearing parent, but education is always important. All relevant staff should be aware of potential attacks like phishing and other IT security threats. Speaking of phishing, let’s swim a bit into the world of ransomware operations.
Imagine a cyber attacker—think of a sneaky fisherman—casts a wide net via emails (now this is called phishing) hoping to grab at least one unsuspecting victim. With ransomware, when the attacker catches a fish, they infiltrate the organization’s computer systems and unleash their malware. This software then kidnaps the data, making it unavailable until a ransom is paid. While this seems like a plot of a thriller movie, it’s a reality many organizations are facing. Remember, unless you have a backup of the data, you won’t usually be able to recover it unless you pay up the demanded ransom. And even then, there’s no guarantee the attacker will give you back your data!
Why is it important to discuss? Ransomware attacks have become the common culprit of cyber incidents, leading to data losses. Our renowned institutions in education, health sectors, legal services, and businesses are amongst the most targeted. But no one is completely safe.
So before we part ways, let’s chat about what we can do to prevent becoming the next victim. Have a plan for incidents: what to do, who to notify, how to recover, and testing this plan. You need disaster recovery and business continuity plans to restore personal data quickly. Essentially, be prepared for the worst and have a robust plan in place.
Remember, just because you see a storm doesn’t mean you’ll get wet. Batten down your hatches, folks, and let’s weather this cyber storm together! Stay safe and keep those firewalls high!
by Morgan Phisher | HEAL Security