[Cybersecurity Contributions] Navigating the Era of Conversational AI

Morgan Phisher October 22, 2023

Hey there, Bay Area folks! Let’s take a moment to talk about something that’s been on everyone’s mind recently: artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. Don’t worry, we won’t go too techy. Let’s just touch on how these technologies affect us, and why we should care.

Our journey starts with a little story – a San Francisco startup called OpenAI invented an AI tool called ChatGPT. This nifty tool could understand language, engage in human-like conversation, and even show a dash of creativity. Imagine Siri, but on a whole other level.

In just two months, it blew up. We’re talking a whopping 100 million users. Pretty impressive stuff, right? But, there was a downside.

You see, not everyone has good intentions. AI like ChatGPT could potentially be used to generate sneaky phishing emails or create nasty codes to hack systems. Just like that, the doors to the world of cybercrime were thrown wide open. Anyone with a bit of know-how could cause some serious online havoc.

But it’s not just you and me at risk here. Entire nations are under threat. Ukraine had a huge cyberattack in 2022 that brought the government to its knees. And in 2023, a bunch of US agencies, including a nuclear waste facility, got hacked. This stuff is no joke.

So, what are we doing about it? Well, we’ve got some plans in place. The government has identified cybersecurity as a top priority, investing in research and development to keep us a few steps ahead of the cybercriminals. We’re also adopting new security systems that are designed to combat a range of digital threats.

In addition, we’re looking to bolster the cybersecurity industry itself. That means nurturing home-grown talent and finding innovative ways to respond to threats. It’s all about creating a thriving market in cybersecurity, led by businesses in the private sector working in collaboration with the government.

We’re also ramping up our defense mechanisms. We’re making smart moves like introducing a threat intelligence linkage analysis system, holding practical mock hacking exercises, and sharing information in real-time. The idea is to detect and respond to cyber threats faster and more effectively.

July is “Information Security Awareness Month.” It’s a great reminder for all of us to get clued up and do our part in building a “safe digital Korea.” Because let’s be real, this isn’t something the government can handle alone.

For us to truly have a secure digital society, it has to be a joint effort involving everyone – you, me, businesses, and yes, the government too. Information Security Awareness Month is a great time to remember the importance of protecting our information and fostering a culture that prioritizes cybersecurity.

So, if ever there were a moment to be more diligent about our online activities, folks, it would be right now. Let’s make the Bay Area a safe and secure digital community together!

by Morgan Phisher