Investigation of “Cybersecurity Incident” Underway at Stanford University
Alright, mates, gather ’round. There’s a bit of a tale to tell about an incident over at Stanford University. Now, no need for alarm; the folks at Stanford are on top of things. And this may also serve as a bit of nudge for us to keep an eye on our cybersecurity.
So, what’s the crux of the biscuit, you ask? Well, the Stanford University Department of Public Safety (you might know them as SUDPS), ran into a bit of cyber bother recently.
They’ve been having a chinwag with us about it, making it clear they’re not taking the matter lightly. In fact, they’ve got their best heads working on it, in tandem with outside experts. Their aim now is to figure out the extent of the impact.
Now before you start tutting and worrying, as of now there’s no evidence that any other systems at the University were affected. The emergency response capabilities of the police remained unaffected as well. They’ve also managed to secure the system in question. So, it’s not all doom and gloom.
The investigation into the incident is still ongoing. Once it’s all sorted, they’ve promised to keep the community in the loop, and plan to take the necessary actions. It’s quite refreshing to see such transparency in play.
Now, there’s a curious bit of information that’s been bobbing around. It seems that a group called “Akira ransomware” had made a peculiar announcement claiming that they had leaked about 430Gb of internal data from the university. They even went a step further, stating that all kinds of private and confidential documents would soon be on the internet.
Bit of a sticky wicket, isn’t it?
Apparently, there were attempts to ascertain if the two situations are linked, but there’s been radio silence from the university so far. Until we get more information, it’s all a bit uncertain.
Back on October 10th, the Stanford Daily (that’s the University’s newspaper for those unfamiliar) confirmed that an investigation into the hacking incident was underway. So, this isn’t a bolt from the blue; they’ve been on it for a while.
And there we have it, chaps. Quite a pickle over at Stanford, but it certainly serves as a bellwether for the importance of robust cybersecurity, wouldn’t you say?
Remember, let’s keep our wits about us. With technology comes great rewards, but also possible threats. So, ensure your systems are locked up tighter than a drum, and don’t make it easy for these online rogues. Till next time – stay alert and stay safe.
by Parker Bytes