The Strength of Automated Moving Target Defense

Morgan Phisher October 9, 2023

Hey there from the sunny side of San Francisco, where tech and cybersecurity are just as ubiquitous as the iconic Golden Gate Bridge! As we continue to navigate our digitally dominated world, it’s becoming increasingly clear that artificial intelligence (AI) is dramatically affecting the cybersecurity landscape. While the advancements are opening up solutions to numerous issues, they’re simultaneously ratcheting up a myriad of challenges. Interested? Alright, pull up a seat and let’s dive right in!

You know AI tools have made tremendous strides recently, right? Well, as with many technological leaps, this progress comes hand-in-hand with significant risks. For instance, the baddies are innovating just as fast as the good guys. They’re using AI, too – to launch smarter, faster, and more adaptive attacks. This means if we don’t keep up with pace, we might be a sitting duck to these AI-enabled adversaries.

Talking about these threats, they’re mainly worried about the possibility of Generative-AI being exploited. For one, it can create new attack vectors that traditional tools might not be able to detect. Plus, it can generate code tailored to sneak past our defenses. It can also whip up increasingly intricate attacks at a speed that makes it hard for us to keep up.

Sure, AI does have its perks for us defenders too though. It’s the cornerstone of our modern protection and detection platforms. It can learn from a wealth of data to predict and spot new threats. It helps us flag anomalies and classify behaviors as malicious or benign. And it steps in to make decisions on whether to block access to files or kill processes if it detects malicious behavior or coding. Basically, it’s like having a super-smart guard dog that learns new tricks every day!

But, let’s not kid ourselves. Those cybercriminals are crafty and relentless, folks! As AI gets more sophisticated, they’re continually hatching new ways to exploit it. They are using AI for everything from scanning large bodies of code for vulnerabilities, to finding loopholes in AI-based security systems, to generating new exploits and cracking passwords. One of their crafty tricks involves using AI to come up with more persuasive phishing emails that are more personalized and significantly more convincing.

Here’s the thing though – we can’t just throw in the towel and say, “This is too much!” We must stay vigilant, keep up with the latest AI-based threats, and continuously question the robustness and security of our existing systems. We need to protect our systems from unauthorized and potentially weaponized code. And remember, progress in AI isn’t just a concern for the future; it’s happening right now.

Now, here’s a food for thought. What if we could make the resources the attackers are after a constantly moving target, tougher to nail down? Picture a sniper trying to hit a moving target – they’d have to be pretty lucky, right? This concept is the crux of a fascinating approach called Automated Moving Target Defense (AMTD).

In an AMTD system, resources are constantly morphed and randomized to throw the attackers off their game. Basically, it’s like trying to hit a moving target—the resources attackers hope to compromise keep changing, making it much trickier to launch a successful attack. This approach not only stops attackers in their tracks, but also buys cybersecurity teams precious time for an incident investigation.

Here in the Bay Area, we’ve seen a myriad of cyber threats, including highly skilled and well-resourced attackers. AMTD is instrumental in defending against these threats. But we’re still in a never-ending race. Just like we continue to innovate, attackers are leveraging AI to bypass our defense solutions.

There’s a lot to unpack, but don’t let the complexity daunt you. After all, we’re a city built on innovation and resilience, right? Let’s face the future of AI and cybersecurity head-on, and together we’ll turn challenges into opportunities.
Let’s continue to leverage and evolve cybersecurity technologies to protect ourselves proactively, and keep the Bay Area teeming with technological innovation, vibrant culture and constant resilience. After all, as we San Franciscans know, the view is worth the climb!

by Morgan Phisher